!!!Brandnew!!! NOMB Surftrip Series: #1 Rapa Nui

!!!Brandnew!!! NOMB Surftrip Series: #1 Rapa Nui

Welcome to NOMB Surf´s latest feature: the Surftrip Series!!

Once a month we will spoil you with a surftrip report, featuring NOMB Surf´s headcoach Angie or a guest surftrip writer. What better way is there to relive your surftrip experience than sharing it with likeminded surfers?? Apart from doing it all over again of course 🙂

So sit back, make yourself a nice cup of tea and enjoy NOMB Surftrip Series #1: A winterbreak in paradise – Rapa Nui (Easter Island)


Hi there!

My name is Angie, I am the head surfcoach of NOMB Surf. In case you don´t know, we here at NOMB Surf organize surfcoaching trips to really cool destinations all over the planet. And guess how the NOMB Surf idea was born? Right, I loooove to surftrip. There´s just something about visiting different places, surfing new waves and experiencing new cultures. It´s that certain feeling (they call it itchy feet) that makes some of us go out there and explore our planet.

But that´s enough about me, let me tell you a bit about one of my most crazy and amazing surftrips ever. Destination: Rapa Nui. In the photo above you see me standing on the westcoast of Easter Island. Looks nice you think but imagine that there is nothing (!!!), seriously nothing, behind me for another 3.600km. Until the Pacific Ocean hits the Chilean mainland.

Being an small isolated island in the middle of the Pacific, every surfer automatically will start thinking about how many swells might hit this only 23km small volcano island. The answer is quite simple: loooooads!!! Check out one of the spots on the other site of the island. Looks not too big because the pic was taken from high above. Down there the waves were roughly 5m high and trust me, it´s brutal. Only a handful of brave surfers surf this spot!

You get to Rapa Nui by plane (the boat once goes twice a year). Either from Santiago de Chile, Lima (Peru) or Tahiti. There is loads of accommodation, from cool little beachhuts to a luxury 5 star hotel, there´s something for every taste. However be prepared to fork out, Rapa Nui is a seriously expensive place. Everything is imported and the local community puts a well deserved high price on their natural and cultural heritage.

But the fact that Rapa Nui is easily one of the most magical places in the world, money really doesn´t matter once you feel the spirits and energies flying around that place. I am generally not a very spiritual person but there is something that catches you the moment you step out of the plane. You don´t believe me? Go and find out for yourself! How can you not be blown away by standing next to the 15 Moai statues in Tongariki??

Surfwise Rapa Nui offers great spots for nearly every level. Having said that, it´s probably not the easiest place in the world to learn to surf. A certain level of surfing will help you to enjoy the crystal clear waters even more. Duckdiving for the first time with your eyes open will leave you speachless. I wasn´t aware of just how much beauty was underneath me until I opened my eyes. Fishes of every imaginable color and shape swim around you and enjoy the waves as much as the surfers do. You might even be lucky and surf next to a turtle or three.. In Hanga Roa, the town on the island, there are a couple of different surfspots, all reefs that break clean and can hold size as well.

The Rapa Nui are friendly people who are aware of that their island lives of tourism and welcome everyone with genuine warmth. But don´t be surprised if after a couple of days you are being asked when you gonna leave again. There is a serious migration problem on Rapa Nui so don´t think about installing yourself for a longer period of time. On my first trip to Rapa Nui we spend over a month on the island. We were welcomed with very open arm but were accepted to stay for that long only because we have friends among the local surfcommunity.

So what do to on Rapa Nui once you are totally surfed out?? Even though it´s only a small island it will take you quite a while to explore everything. Anakena beach for example, a picture perfect polynesian beach. Palmtrees, moais, clear water and white sand. Just how you imagined. Or you can climb up Rano Kau, a volcano with water and floating greens. A once in a lifetime sight really!

I was very sad to have to leave Rapa Nui, I totally fell in love with the magic, waves and people of this place. That much that I returned to Easter Island one year later. It´s an amazing place that makes you get in touch with yourself, simply by letting you be part of it´s rich and diverse polynesian culture. Imagine the music, the dances, the paintings, the artwork, the language, the history.. I was totally blown away. And put some great and consistent waves on top of that, and you might actually never wanna leave this little paradise.

Sounds good to you?? You never know, one day there might even be a NOMB Surftrip to Rapa Nui.. Until then, keep checking into our Newspage to be up to date about our upcoming surfcoaching trips!

I hope you enjoyed Surftrip Series #1, stay tuned for monthly new surftrip reports.


Sea you in the water soon, great waves for everyone!







Next Trip: Chile March 2017

Next Trip: Chile March 2017

Because it was sooo much fun last year.. Because we had great waves.. Because we saw loads of the chilean countryside & culture.. Because we made new friends.. Because we improved our surfing, flexibility and strength..


And because of many more amazing reasons & memories, we do it again this year!!


Let´s surf Chile!!

Chile 2017

 Join us on our South American Surftrip experience! Only limited availability left, get in touch to secure your surfspot!

Meet the team: Sharon

Meet the team: Sharon


My name is Sharon, I am a Yoga instructor and a passionate surfer.


Years ago, while searching for the connection with my inner self, I discovered Yoga as a discipline and way of life to heal myself and be in balance with myself and my surroundings.

Surfing perfectly complets this way of life as surfing too works the balance of our mind, body and soul. Surfing let´s us be one with nature and this way we understand our true essence.

Looking forward to share some Yoga and Surf sessions with you.


#Tripnotes Chile 3-4 Waves: Expedition North..

#Tripnotes Chile 3-4 Waves: Expedition North..

… straight from the airport into the Pacific! First stop Playa Ritoque, a little hidden surf paradise in the V region. Playa Ritoque is the birthplace of chilean surfing: an incredible beachbreak in front of a 17km long stretch of sanddunes and home to only a few little beachhouses and the famous surfbar Ritoque. Here the NOMB Surfers picked up the rest of the team and after a couple of days exploring the breaks of the V region they hit the road again.

Thomas super wave

The first night the NOMB Surfers stayed in a little house of terror, a rather weird experience that still made them laugh days after. Heading further north, passing through the IV region, they saw the countryside change from green to sandy desert. Finally the team reached their home for the next few days, not without a couple of interesting encounters with the local police.. In some parts of this world a pick-up truck with 4 people, 1 dog and 7 surfboards is still an unusual sight.. But all this is part of a roadtrip and being able to wake up with an incredible and glassy reef break right in front of your house made it sooo worth it!!Pan de Azucar

After 2 months of heavy swells all along the chilean coast the Pacific ocean now presented itselfwith perfect conditions: hardly any wind, nice little groundswells producing perfect waves between 1 – 1 1/2 m.. Thomas couldnt believe the waves he surfed! Neither could surfcoach Angie, she was so super stoked to see her student improving day by day! Congratulations Thomas, you really ripped it! Based in their little beachhouse right in front of this perfect righthand reefbreak the NOMB Team explored the surrounding beach and pointbreaks, encountering incredible waves and super friendly locals everywhere they went.Siesta in the desert

Being a surftravellers also includes being a tourist.. And when the wavecheck brought the team to Pan de Azucar, one of Chile´s most beautiful national parks, the NOMB Surfers couldn´t resist to take some action pics in this virgin and isolated paradise… The days in the desert are long, the sun rises early and sets late but they didn´t feel long enough for all those hours of surfing and exploring the surroundings.. The team finished their action filled days with a sunset surf, a Ving chun class from student Thomas, a relaxed yoga session watching the ocean, or even a glass of tasty red wine and a siesta.. Well deserved NOMB Surfers!Sharon

The team stayed in a crazy little house a few meters from the ocean. Being in the desert meant solar energy, running water only from a watertank and bathroom and shower open air. The team felt the spirit and adjusted straight away. The rewards were empty line ups, millions of hours of sunlight, bonfires and a sky at nighttime that blew their minds. The Atacama desert is such an unusual place, their colours and shadows are unique. That´s why yoga teacher Sharon choose this location to supply her sponsor with new photo material. Luckily surfcoach Angie is an expert not only in shooting photos and filming her students surfing but also a dedicated and experienced photographer.

Our mobile surfcamp team in the North of Chile felt so comfortable in the desert that they decided to stay an extra day. The drive back to the central region was quite long but mainly because the NOMB surfers took the dirt roads along the coast and wavechecked wherever they could. Finally they arrived safely back in Playa Ritoque before heading to the airport the next morning. Thank you Thomas, Dani and Sharon for an unforgettable trip which surely will be repeated one day soon!  A big thank you goes out to the Ritoque community who made us feel at home, to Valito for letting us use your beautiful house in the desert, and to O´Carol rentalcar for supporting us with a brandnew 4X4.

Photos from the surfcoaching trip into the North of Chile can be found on our Facebook page.

Good waves for all of you and we hopefully see you soon for your own NOMB Surfcoaching trip experience!

#Tripnotes Chile 2-3 Waves: oh happy days..

#Tripnotes Chile 2-3 Waves: oh happy days..

.. oh happy days… What an amazing trip!! Name three things about the NOMB Level 2 Surftrip to the South of Chile?? Loads of waves, loads of smiles, loads of unforgettable moments…

Where to start?? Well, lets start with the ocean.. Normally the Pacific Ocean swells are a little bit more intermediate friendly in the summer months. This summer however, with El Niño working its magic, the chilean coast encountered huge swells. As the swells hit the entire coast it was decided to turn South, and enjoy&discover some green, unique and empty places. The trip passed through Pichilemu, Chile´s surf capital and then headed further south.


Homebase was found in ´El Puerto Buchupureo´ where the NOMBsurfers stayed in a Cabaña (beachhouse) in front of the beach. After an amazing breakfast, made especially for the NOMB Surfteam, the surfers bravely faced the walls of water and jumped into the ocean again and again. Due to the huge waves Surfcoach Angie had to change the training programm, loads of theory, ocean knowledge and motivation training could be found on the daily initerary. Rinconada Session

Yoga instructor Sharon made sure that all those hard worked muscles were proberly stretched. On top of the hard earned stretching Sharon focused on the right breathing techniques, flexibility and muscle strength. Yoga classes took place with amazing ocean views, in a special yoga hut or on the terrace of a domo between the trees at the Sirena Insolente Hostel in Pichilemu, or even right on the beach.Yoga on the beach

In between surfing, yoga and travelling the NOMBsurfers found time to discover hidden places, local food and markets, and explore the little towns of Chiles South. The team engaged in a local beach clean up and even protested against the building of salmon fields in the Pacific, only a few meters distance from the powerful and outstanding pointbreaks of the VIII region. Thanks for getting involved NOMBsurfers!!Fight for our oceansAfter 10 days on the road and in the water the NOMBsurfers said their goodbyes in Valparaiso, a bohemian city build on hills and an UNESCO heritage site. Thank you Clara, Johannes, Susann, Susi and Tina for making this NOMB Surfcoaching trip an unforgettable first trip! A big thanks also goes out to Milton our local surfguide, Juane & his team at the Sirena Insolente Hostel in Punta de Lobos, Chaka for the most tasty sushi in South America, Erik & his team at El Puerto Buchupureo. And everyone along the way who treated the NOMBsurfers with respect and welcomed us with open arms!  Last but not least a massive thanks to yoga instructor Sharon, an amazing person and friend! This trip could have not happened without you!

Check out the NOMB Surf Facebook page for more photos!

Buenas olas for all of you, we will hopefully see you in the water soon!

Getting excited to surf…

Getting excited to surf…

Even our lycras are getting excited about the soon to start chilean NOMB Surfcoaching Trips, showing off in their greenest green! The colour green represents Pachamama (mother earth), the cold water of the ocean, the inner peace of our mind and the strengh of our body!

lycras post

 Come and surf with us and connect yourself with Nature-Ocean-Mind-Body! NOMB Surf is your mobile surfcamp&surfschool, we show you the most magical places and amazing waves! Get in touch with us and join us exploring Chiles beautiful coastline!