The love and respect for these four elements is what brings the NOMB Surfteam together. Surfers, coaches, campchefs, backoffice chicas. We all love to surf, and everything that comes with it!
In hectic times like today we here at NOMB Surf are trying to not only teach you how to surf but also how to find your own balance between these vital elements. If you are in ease with nature, the ocean, your mind and your body, imagine the waves you are able to ride. And imagine how balanced you could be in your personal and working life, too!
During our private surfcoachings on Fuerteventura as well as during our surfcoaching trips to fantastic destinations, we are always trying to pass on the idea behind NOMB Surf.
Environmental awareness is homework for everyone of us, so is marine conservation. We all can do our little part in looking after mother earth. Not sure how to? Let us help you. And how about our mind? Do we know how to understand and control our emotions? But how about ourselves? How do we treat our bodies with our everyday lifestyle? Do we give them enough attention?
Now, how is all this related to surfing you ask? Is it really relevant? The answer is yes, and here are a few example why and how we are aiming for a balance of Nature-Ocean-Mind-Body..
1. We as surfers looove to be outside. Mostly in the water but living a surfer lifestyle also gets us to appreciate the rest of mother nature around us. How about a hike in between surfs to relax our paddle muscles? Like the NOMB Surfteam did in stunning Galicia, hiking along parts of the St. Jacobs way on a layday.
Getting lost in the ocean and nature makes us surfers understand the importance of protecting the fragile ecosystems surrounding us. What impact do we have as surfers? And how can we help to protect our oceans, minimize our ecological footprints and help to pass on the knowledge? Whenever we can, during our coachings and surftrips, the NOMB Surfteam is trying actively to create awareness and encourage getting involved.
2. Imagine being on top of a hill on a mountain bike, looking for your line down, ready to cruise around trees and little obstacles. You are reading nature around you without knowing it. Well, the same applies to surfing.
If you are aware of what the ocean is doing and are understanding the constant changes, your wavecount gets really high and you can get the most out of a wave. Time to get stoked 😉
We teach you about the ocean environment, about how to read the ocean, about how to anticipate what´s gonna happen next. Either during our private surfcoachings on Fuerteventura or on our surftrips, ocean awareness is an important topic, from beginner to advanced surfskill level!
3. How does your mind influence your surfing? Joy, fear, frustration.. Lots of emotions our mind has to handle. But how to deal with them? We are no psychologists but we can show you some easy tricks for how to acknowledge, accept and handle your emotions. And even turn negative into positive ones. Our favourite saying: ´If your mind thinks you can do it, your body can!´
On our surfcoaching trips in addition we offer yoga lessons, to give you that little bit time in the day to wind down and treat your mind to some well deserved resting time. How about listening to the sound of the waves at the same time?
Our body is like a high functional machine. The better you fuel it, the better it runs. Leaving nutrition being a very big part of how you perform day by day. On our surfcoaching trips our campchefs treat the surfteam with delicious but carefully selected meals. High quality ingredients, local and natural products, a nutrition plan for high performing surfers. We are always happy to help you try new ways of diets to get the best out of your body.
Being surffit is another way to understand and balance our bodies. Being surffit does not only mean you can surf for hours. It also means preparing yourself physically through specific training, including explosive power, flexibility, endurance and mobility. If you get your body surffit not only can you surf longer and more explosively, it also gives your more confidence for battling through challenging conditions in the ocean.
You see, NOMB Surf is not only about teaching you how to surf or improve your skills. It´s also about trying to pass on everything that comes with an active surfing lifestyle. Our name represents what we believe in.
We are excited to invite you to join us and let us pass on our experience. Hope to sea you in the water soon!
That´s right, great news!! From now until the end of April next year NOMB Surfs headcoach Angie will be hanging around the surfing headquarters on our favorite island in the Atlantic. And making sure that YOU boost your surfing, gain confidence and surf waves you didn´t even know you could!
So what´s all this individual coaching about?? What makes NOMB Surfcoachings so different to a normal surfschool??
The answer is simple: it´s just you and your own surfcoach. The focus is on you, noone else. There are no random groups, no 8:1 student-instructor ratio, no rushing around. We generally only accept one coaching per day, giving us all the freedom to choose just the right time and spot for our coaching session.
But there are even more reasons that make NOMB Surf so unique:
NOMB Surfcoaching is not only about direct coaching in the water, commenting every single of your waves. Here at NOMB Surf we work with a lot of different coaching techniques, direct and indirect. Photo & Video analysis are a big part of what we do for example. You will be surprised how much you improve your surfing if you see yourself recorded. Sure, it´s a bit of a reality check first but wait until you see your improvements in the water.
We also back up the practical coaching part on the beach with surftheory sessions. Totally individual, tailored for you. Like every wave, every surfer is different. Our headcoach Angie is an expert in analyzing your surfskill level, tickling out those hidden fears & worries and guiding you on the way to progress your surfing.
As we only have one coaching session a day there is no need for rushing around. You are on holidays still. Our coaching sessions have no set time limit. Your physical abilities and the local conditions will determine the actual time on the beach. But hey, no worries, so far none of our students has felt undercoached 😉 Often we split the session into two parts, the beach and the theory part. But again, it´s all individual here at NOMB Surf.
German, English or Spanish, you can choose the language you prefer. We understand how important it is to express yourself , your doubts and even fears when learning how to surf. Headcoach Angie is fluent in all three languages and used to coach three-lingual. Like on our surfcoaching trips our clients are international, however the German surfercommunity prevails.
A female surfcoach! With years of coaching experience! ISA Level 2 qualified! That´s rather hard to find as not too many females coaches stand out in a still male dominated sport. However, with equal prize money on the WSL competions starting next year the sport of surfing will see more and more females following the surfing career path. Either as a professional surfer, or even coach. Back to our female coach Angie. Many female surfers, especially beginner surfer, feel more at ease with a female coach. Angie is very emphatic with the concerns of female surfers. On the other hand though, she has a fierce reputation, some do even call her drillseargent 🙂
We here at NOMB Surf understand that every surfer, first day beginner to advanced, has different needs and expectations. Some prefer to surf as part of a group, some only want to give surfing a shot to see if they like it, some are looking for a mix of party and surfing.. That´s cool, too. There are loooads of surfschools and surfcamps here on Fuerteventura who offer exactly this kind of environments.
At NOMB Surf we have a slightly different but clear focus: individual, professional, efficient and fun surfcoaching!
Sounds good to you? We are stoked to get you into the water and onto the surfboard!
Ps: check out this little video about our last family surfcoaching day. First day surfing (well, sort of) for all three cousins. And yeaaaah, at the end of the day they all surfed whitewater waves all the way down to the beach!!! Clap your hands for our Kamikaze Family!!
Ever wondered what happens on a typical NOMB Surftrip day? Apart from surfing and laughing, let us tell you, there is loooods of other stuff going on, too.
We have put together a little trip ´diary´, a mix of past trips, to give you an idea of what´s going on. You like what you read? We would be happy to have you on board a NOMB Surfcoaching Trip!
Let´s start the day. First off all, its breakfast time. The most important meal of the day. We always start with a power brekkie, full of oats, dried fruits, fresh fruits and a fresh juice or smoothy. That´s the basic. In addition we are spoiled every day with another second course. Maybe pancakes, maybe eggs, maybe a crazy cake, our chef keeps surprising us. This is what a breakfast looks like on our surfholiday trip to Ireland:
After breakfast we check the surf & weather forecasts and head surfcoach Angie briefes the NOMB Surfers on the actions of the day. When conditions allow we head straight to the beach, meeting up with our local surfcoach and enjoying the first waves of the day. Surfcoach Angie likes to use photo&video analysis, to improve everyones surflevel right from the start. There is another surfcoach in the water, for safety and to direct the students right to the peak.
At the beginning of each trip Angie sits down with each participant, one by one, and outlines some reachable goals for the time of the trip. NOMB Surfcoaching trips are designed to surf of course but more important to improve your level of surfing and your understanding for the ocean. Our perceptions in the water are always different from reality. If you see what you are actually doing, you will improve a lot quicker. Photo analysis is a great tool, don´t you think??
Apart from surfing we do heaps of other cool stuff. Yoga for example. It´s great for stretching our tired muscles. And also helps us getting our breathing right. Did you know that most people breath way too shallow in their normal lifes?? Yoga teaches you how to provide your body with oxygen, and how to find your own balance. And I am not only talking about the standing-on-one-food-yogatree-balance 🙂 It strenghens your muscles and improves your flexibility, too. All this, and heaps of other reasons, for us to always have yoga lessons on offer on our surftrips. Hands up who hasn´t dreamed of a yoga session on the beach, listening to the breaking waves..
What else do we do all day long?? Well, sometimes we surf more, and more, and a little bit more.. Or we go out discovering the region where we are staying.. Or we chill in the backyard.. Or we watch waves and wish our muscles wouldn´t hurt so much.. Every day we have a surftheory session going, depending on the interest of the group, and on what our surfcoaches think would be great knowledge for the group.. Sometimes we have BBQs on the beach.. Sometimes we drink red wine under the stars in the desert… A lot of times we go out of our comfortzone, and our surfing abilities grow, and we personally… At the end of the day we are always worn out but with a smile on our faces.. Every night we go to sleep excited about what might happen the next day…
But every, really every day, we laugh so much that it hurts sometimes, and we appreciate the great company, the place where we are and how lucky we are to be surfing every day!! That´s why we can proudly say that with NOMB Surf, every trip is a trip!! The smiles speak for themselves..
After sooo many great adventures during the day, there is not much more for us to do than relax and enjoy a great dinner. And maybe a sneaky beer or two. We here at NOMB Surf always make sure that you refuel your body with tasty powerfood. And we might even teach a bit about surfers nutrition, giving you great examples and recipes to try at home.
We generally end the day sitting together, sharing stories and great moments. It´s incredible to see how strangers become friends in a very short time. Surfing brings people from all different parts of life and the world together. The passion for the ocean is what they share. This is the NOMB Surfteam from the surftrip to Galicia in 2017, a great bunch of people, still being in touch and surfing together..
So now you are saying to yourself, wow, so that´s what makes NOMB Surftrips so special?? We guess it´s a little bit of everything: amazing people, stunning locations, great organization, professional surfcoaching, perfect surfconditions.. We could keep writing for another page or two.. We reallly hope that you like what we do, and become part of our NOMB Surfcrew.
There are trips for every level, and for every type of surftrip you might be looking for. If you can´t find a trip that fits you, no worries, all you need to do is get in touch and let us know. We are more than happy to tailermake one for you!
Great news for the upcoming surfcoaching trip ´Irish Infusión´: professional chef Basti Peters is once more joining the NOMB Surf adventures! Last year Basti already spoiled the NOMB surfers with his healthy powerfood, giving them enough energy to brave the cold Irish waters. Basti has just confirmed his participation in just another epic surftrip. This is what breakfast looked like last year.. hmmh.. jummy!!
Since the trip to Ireland in November last year Basti has dedicated himself to find the perfect mix of vegetarian and meat based cuisine for extrem sports people, like the NOMB Surfers. A perfect nutrition for extreme athlets like surfers contains 5 meals a day: a powerful breakfast, a lunch full of proteins and a healthy dinner that refills all your batteries, plus two snacks in between.
Breakfast should be full of fast carbonhydrates such as oats, dried fruits and natural sugars. This mix will kickstart your body after sleeping and get you ready for the first surfsession. A great snack just before, or after a long surfsession, is a handfull of dried fruits, maybe a mix of almonds and raisins. That way you are providing your body with fast and slow carbonhydrates, ideal before a surf sesssion and even better after to restore the used muscles.
Lunch is often overlooked, while this is the meal that keeps our body going throughout the day. A lunch packed with proteins (both animal or vegetable proteins will do) and fast carbonhydrates will make sure that your engines keep running. As everyone has their very own preference for lunch we leave this meal up to our surfers to decide. Some prefer to cook, others prefer to check out one of the Little irish coffee places. We do daily supermarket stops so our participants can stock up on supplies if needed.
A family style dinner rounds up an epic day full of surfing and discoveries. Dinner can vary, sometimes containing only veggies and meat, sometimes also fast carbonhydrates such as pasta or rice. The importance of a balanced sport diet is to follow a varied died. Never give your body the chance to get used to the same menu. Challenge your body by changing the rhythm of fast and slow carbonhydrates, not giving him any time to adopt and start getting ´lazy´in absorbing the food´s energy. If you wanna learn more about how to fuel and prepare your body for the demanding hours of surfing check out the book ´Body fuel´ by Mark Watson.
We are delighted that Basti will join us on the ´Irish Infusion 2017´ and can´t wait to dig into his delicious food. One of the great things about a NOMB Surfcoaching trip is that even though we are like a mobile surfschool, we still provide our guests with everything you can dream of in a surfcamp. With the extra bonus that our locations change, so you won´t ever get bored of surfing with a NOMB Surf adventure.
Apart from the NOMB Surftrip ´Irish Infusioon´in 2017 we will also run ´Lanzarote Legacy´and ´Charging Chile´ in 2018. And always keep an eye on our website for more trips to be announced 😉
Any questions or enquiries, get in touch and we will find the perfect surftrip for you!
Because it was sooo much fun last year.. Because we had great waves.. Because we saw loads of the chilean countryside & culture.. Because we made new friends.. Because we improved our surfing, flexibility and strength..
And because of many more amazing reasons & memories, we do it again this year!!
My name is Sharon, I am a Yoga instructor and a passionate surfer.
Years ago, while searching for the connection with my inner self, I discovered Yoga as a discipline and way of life to heal myself and be in balance with myself and my surroundings.
Surfing perfectly complets this way of life as surfing too works the balance of our mind, body and soul. Surfing let´s us be one with nature and this way we understand our true essence.
Looking forward to share some Yoga and Surf sessions with you.
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