Surfing in Africa – introducing our newest surf destination Ghana

surftrip ghana

Written by NOMB Surf


surftrip ghana


Thinking about surfing in Africa we might primarily think of South Africa, with famous surf spots like Jeffreys Bay, Muizenberg in Cape Town or big wave mecca Dungeos. But there are many more countries on this continent that offer quality surf!

Here at NOMB Surf we aim to explore unknown surfdestinations. That’s why our next surf coaching trip #Ghanarama takes us Ghana (September 2019) – and yeah, we are pretty excited about that 😀 Today we want to introduce you to our newest surf destination in West Africa.


“We aim to explore unknown surf destinations – states surf  headcoaching Angie – so after talking to NOMB Surfer Annette it was pretty clear: let’s go surfing in Ghana!”


Good news are: you can leave your wetsuits at home because the water temperature won’t drop below 24 degrees Celsius. So let’s have a closer look..

About Ghana

Africa – that is this big other continent close to Fuerteventura (technically we are in Europa here on Fuerteventura, but geographically we are Africa). Europe or not, we have have the desire to discover this beautiful continent so close to NOMB Surf´s home base. Sooo let’s go to Ghana, West Africa!

Ghana is located between Togo and the Ivory Coast. Ghana is also called the Gold Coast of Africa – so no need to go to Australia this time to surf on the Gold Coast 😉 Before Ghana gained independency it was named the Gold Coast – referred to the trades that were made there. Either way, sounds pretty nice to have a Gold Coast for surfing – and pretty sure that surfing there is like gold for us surfers, too.

Ghana is a pretty modern african country with a relatively stable economy. Its capital, Accra is also a big travel hub in West Africa. That makes us as surfers quite happy, cause we can get there quite easily. From Germany a flight to Accra is about 500€ with a travel time between 10 and 15 hours and just one stopover in one of  Europes capitals. And as there are airlines like KLM and AirFrance operating, you can also check your surfboard in for free (in exchange for luggage, but who needs luggage if you can travel with their surfboard instead ;))

Surfing in Ghana

And that brings us to surfing in Ghana! Besides of the rich African culture, rainforest and the biggest reservoir in the world (Volta) Ghana has a coastline of more than 500 km. And this, chicas and chicos, means a lot of surf in tropical climate! Leave your wetsuit at home and enjoy the nice and warm water!

Surfing in Ghana for the locals hasn´t really been a secret during the last decade but for the western European surfers it showed up on the surfers map just a few years ago (or maybe just right now). In 2006 two Americans opened the first surf shop with surf school in Busua to teach the locals how to surf (also on proper surfboards and not only the wooden ones they kind of shaped theirselfs in former times). The surf capital of Ghana was born: Busua with its first surfing beach of Ghana!

Surfspots in Ghana

The two most common surf spots in Ghana are Krokobite beach (around 40 minutes drive from the capital Accra) and, as mentioned above, Busua (around 5 hours west of Krokobite). Here you will find a bit of surf infrastructure like surf schools with local surf instructors and surfboard rentals. But more than that you will find a lot of positive vibes, reggae culture and amazing food!

Around the area of Busua there are various surf spots with range from beginner to intermediate level. And all along the coast you can find many other unsurfed waves waiting for you! The swell from south and southwest provides waves in Ghana especially from April to September, and even if it could rain from time to time, it will still be nice and warm – and if we are in the water the rain won’t bother us at all 😛

 Surftrip to Ghana: Dates, Price and Trip-Infos (english version) or see here for information in german



As mentioned before our NOMB Surfer Annette has already been surfing in Ghana and happily tells us about here Ghana experience.

Aloha Annette. How did you find out about surfing in Ghana?
Due to youth work I supported the African member associations who met up in Ghana. So when we went there, I already read that there is surfing in this area and wanted to check the waves myself – or better said with my friend Liese from Belgium.

What are your impressions about traveling around and the life in Ghana?
Well, traveling in Ghana is a bit different from Europe, that means it can take quite a while sometimes. The buses might be a bit more crowded than we are used to – but that makes the traveling in Ghana a real adventure, there are so many things and culture to explore! We also visited locals at home, that we knew from our youth work, and we always felt “Akwaaba”, which means welcome in Twi – one of Ghanas official languages. And not only the locals we knew, also all the other locals me met their shared this “Akwaaba” flair. They are not only welcoming, but also always joyful and really helpful!

And of course: What about surfing in Ghana?
We were surfing in Busua where we found a few little surf schools where I could rent a surfboard (I was a bit scared to break it, cause they really didn’t have a lot of surfing equipment there) and Liese took a surf lesson. When I went surfing there, the waves were a bit bigger in between, so I let the locals catch the tricky ones and went for the smaller ones. But I really enjoyed watching it and sitting in the line up (no wetsuit needed, you can surf in bikini there) with this beautiful nature, the sunset and surrounding – just stunning!

So how was your impression of the surf culture there?
Well that was really impressive for me. I could literally experience the local surf community there. The mood at the beach and in the water was just great! It was a “surfing together and enjoying it” because they shared just 2 or 3 shortboards amongst each other. And the best surfboard they had, was a wooden surfboard, that one of the surf coaches won at a contest in Liberia. And evidently all the local surfers could use it!
I didn’t spend enough time there to allow myself an opinion of the surf culture, but I’m excited to figure it out! I haven’t seen girls surfing there, I think it’s more for the men. But there is so much potential and hopefully one day they can produce their own equipment and surf lifestyle products instead of importing it – but maybe they are already doing it 🙂

And are you joining #Ghanarama ;)?
Yes and I’m really looking forward to it! I didn’t have enough time to figure out a lot about the surf culture there. So that’s what we can figure out together on the NOMB Surf trip to Ghana! Cause the intercultural exchange is so exciting in Ghana. And I really hope to talk more to local surfers in these two weeks we will spend there, to find out what they connect to the spirit of surfing. In the colors, rhythms, sounds dances and the way of life that I experienced in Ghana, I could really connect to my own imagination of surf culture to this!

Thanks Annette for telling us about your surfing in Ghana, we are super stoked to have you on board on yet another NOMB surftrip!!


Want to join us on this 14 days adventure surftrip?
For all Details & Booking see here
There are only very limited spaces left on #Ghanarama and due to visa issues the booking period closes the 14th August 2019.

Get in touch with us
per email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +34 610 064 980
or via our contact form

– we are happy to answer all your questions and secure a spot for you.




Traveling to Ghana also means to consider a few things: you have to apply for a Visa and be aware of your vaccinations (especially yellow fever) ! And of course you should take malaria prophylaxes with you! If you have any more questions considering these things, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We here at NOMB Surf understand the principals of sustainable tourism, and believe that we, as travelling surfers, can leave a positive footprint at our destinations. Sustainable tourism is not only the environmental site but it also involves economic and socio-cultural benefits. This is why we have decided to organize the #Ghanarama Surfday 2019 during our stay in Ghana, together with our local surfschool partner. The surfday will include exciting surfworkshops, girls-only surflessons, beach cleanings as well as a little surf competiton. We will soon release more info about incredible event and will need YOUR help, too!! Stay tuned and keep checking our surfblog!!


Sea you soon in Ghana!

Angie & your NOMB Surfteam

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