…. there are waves!!!! And sooo many of them!! In all shapes and sizes!!
That´s how lucky our NOMB Surfcrew was on our recent surfcoaching trip to Galicia. Everything from small & glassy to big & powerful. 14 days of surfing, double session most of the days = looooads of waves for everyone.
Head surfcoach Angie and local guides Ramon (aka the surfing pirat) and Josh (aka KungFuPanda) picked a certain beach every day, depending on the conditions and on what the headcoach had in mind for the group. At the beginning of the trip Angie sat down with every NOMB Surfer and identified specific reachable goals on what to improve. The Atlantic Ocean presented itself with beautiful small but glassy conditions. Perfect to work on the timing and gliding in the wave.
Check out campchef Lovely Lindis enjoying a sneaky righthander.. Small but beautiful! (don´t ask about the beanie..)
Speaking of Campchef Lindis. She made sure that after all the surfing the NOMB Surfers recharged their batteries. Lindis spoilt the crew with power breakfasts, including fresh juices and smoothies, Swiss style Roestis, eggs, pancakes and other fresh goodies. Important to mention is the tasty Galician ´tit-cheese´, the base of our breakfasts. No joke, it´s really called like this. It´s like a giant Babybell in form of a female breast. So jummy!
Dinners were super tasty, too. Loads of beans (proteins), salads, pasta, meat, risotto, fresh fish, Barbecue… Just to name some of the delicious dishes Lindies prepared. Not to forget the deserts. The desert highlight was definately the chocolate mouse. Like spooning chocolate. What a treat!
One night the NOMB Surfcrew got all dressed up and set out for a dinner in nearby O Grove. They found a sweet little restaurant located right on the Ria (one of the inlets that divide Galicia into different parts) and enjoyed a fantastic meal of fresh seafood, loads of tapas and a suuper delicious desert. Big smiles all over the surfed out faces!!
Surfed out you think?? Yeah, this NOMB Surfcoaching Trip was even more about surfing then usually. Groove On Galicia was run as a 14 days intensive surfcamp. Most of the days the crew surfed twice. Plus surftheory and photo analysis to back it all up. The results of the group were incredible. More than once surfcoach Angie found herself screaming in pure excited on the beach when seeing her students advance to the next level.
Dedication, concentration and fun are the most important factors if you want to improve your surfing. Angie made sure that the motivational levels stayed up. Frustration sometimes is hard to handle when expectations are too high. That´s why the group was briefed to enter each surf session with low expectations. And it worked!!
After soo much surfing a layday was decided, to relax body&mind. Well, the relaxing layday didn´t really work out like planned. With half the group joining Angie for an early bird surf session 😉 Turned out to be the right decicion, After a late breakfast the crew set out to explore a bit of Galicia. NOMB Surfer Casper found a great route called the ´Route of the water and stones´, following a little creek up through some lush forests. It was a beautiful hike that ended at a chapel, where the crew rested and found out that they had walked part of the Way of St. James. A little bonus to this beautiful walk. The NOMB Surfcrew wouldn´t be the NOMB Surfcrew if there hadn´t been a little big of daily ´Schabernacking´.. hihihi.. Check out Lindis, Christine and Angie trying to jump over this old statute. Hands up who think they made it??
Back to the ocean. During the 14 days the crew surfed different spots. Starting small to optimize technique and timing, then growing in wavesize to gain more confidence. The local guides Ramon&Josh made sure to bring the group to the best spots with the best conditions. Often the break just around the corner was great to surf, sometimes the crew travelled further up the coast and spend the day surfing and chilling one Ria more north.
When conditions looked great for nearby Portugal the NOMB Surfers were ready to get up early and make the drive south. They were greeted with challenging waves, and a little rain and wind. No problem at all for the crew, motivation levels were high and everyone accepted the challenge. And we are talking close-out bomb.. That´s how NOMB Surfer Annette ended up with the nickname Annette-Bombette, woohoo!
That´s surfing. Sometimes you need to touch your limits, and cross them, in order to improve. And the whole group did great, everyone made it into the line-up and caught waves. NOMB Surfer Christine, who started surfing at that same beach, left the water impressed with herself and her new surfing skills. Well done, Christine!
The second session was a little less challenging, even though it involved a lot of paddling. That´s the NOMB Surfers in Portuguese waters!
Groove On Galicia 2018 has been a total success!!
Thanks to the great group of NOMB Surfers. It´s amazing to see how surfing brings together amazing people from every corner of the world. Thanks for joining us: Annette, Casper, Christine, Dani, Thomas and Ross! You guys rock!!
Big thanks as well to our local guys from Ocean Squad Surfacademy, can´t wait to share more waves and Schabernack with you next year!!
Last but not least a big Merci to campchef Lindis! Not only for her cooking adventures but also for her crazy spirit! Hope to have you on more NOMB Surftrips in the future!
Have a great summer, past and future NOMB Surfers, go out & explore and find yourself your own little gem (like NOMB Surfer Dani in this pic).
Stay tunes to the NOMB Surfnews (best sign up for our newsletter), there are big news on the horizon. Woohoo!
Sea you in the water soon!
Your NOMB Surfteam
PS: Wanna see more pics of this fantastic trip? Head to our Facebook page and enjoy!