When planning the next surfholiday most people think about Spain, Portugal or even Bali. Beautiful places with great waves and warm water. That´s what everyone wants. The big downside however would be the masses of surfers in the water.
So why not think outside the box a little bit and search for rather unknown surf destinations? You might be surprised to find something like this..
The little nation in the North Atlantic Ocean is better known for it´s beautiful landscape, Guinness and loads of craic (Gaelic for having a great time) than for waves. Sure, you might have heard about surfspots like Lehinch or even Bundorran. But you probably didn´t know that Ireland has a vivid surfcommunity, a surfing federation and even national surfchampionships.
The Stormrider guide, also know as the surfers bible, puts Ireland together with the UK, this is what they think about the British Isles:
´With an incredibly varied coastline and almost every imaginable kind of beach and reef set-up available the UK and Ireland offer a huge variety of waves to the surfer prepared to suffer cold in the winter and a regular battering from strong coastal winds. North Cornwall and Ireland offer the most consistent coastlines, although the variety of rock reef and dominant offshore winds in the North East make the most of every drop of swell. While a shallow continental shelf drains a little power from incoming systems the North Atlantic in winter is the most prolific swell generating area on the planet so with a little imagination waves can be found almost everyday outside the less consistent mid summer months.´
Talking about offshore winds they forgot to mention the ever changing weather conditions. During a surfsession you might encounter rain, hail, blasting sunshine, fog.. And then it starts all over again.. Mix in a few rainbows and you´ll find yourself sitting in the line-up staring at breathtaking surroundings and wandering how much more mother nature can show off within such a short timeframe. Not to mention the waves.
You think that´s exaggeration? Well, find out for yourself..
What makes Ireland so special as a surf destination are great waves for sure. But more than that it´s the atmosphere in the water. Nowadays there are masses of surfers pretty much everywhere you go. With a whole lot of them not knowing or not respecting the basic rules of surfing. How often do you paddle out and the line-up welcomes you with an edgy silence?
Well, stuff like that doesn´t happen in Ireland. If you do find other surfers out there you will find a great vibe as well. Traveling surfers are being greeted and welcomed as part of a great surfing session. If you respect the locals and show good etiquette it´s not uncommon that you are called to the peak and invited to share the waves.
The price you pay are often gnarly weather conditions. 5.4mm wetsuit, booties, a neopren beanie and even gloves are the basic surf equipment to brave Ireland´s winter waves. That´s our equipment outside James Palace, on our first ever trip to Ireland.
But if braving the cold is the price you have to pay for a exploring great waves, mind blowing countrysides and friendly locals, we think that´s a small price to pay!!
Surfing once was about being a community, about sharing the stoke and about respect for the ocean and other surfers. In recent years there has been a shift in surfing with surfing been seen more as a sport and a holiday activity than a way of life. The essence of surfing is often being forgotten or ignored. The result are overfilled line-ups, bad vibes and aggression.
We here at NOMB Surf believe in surfing and it´s original idea. That´s the reason why we run our surfcoaching trips to unknown surfing destinations and outside the main seasons. We always work with a local surf school to respect and leave a benefit for the local community. We believe in the importance of sustainable tourism and are educating and encouraging our guests to do the same.
Our next surfcoaching trip ´Ireland Intense´ will be run to Northwest Ireland, home of the famous D-Place and the Lee-gend, our local guide. There are only a couple more spaces available on this carefree intensive surfcamp trip. Get in touch to secure your surfspace and get lost with us in Ireland´s beauty.
Sea you soon,
Your NOMB Surfteam