Getting up in the morning – for some of us super easy and for some it´s one big struggle. Mostly when we have to get up to go to work, that can be really hard sometimes! But what about getting up early and surfing? Wouldn’t it be perfect if we can just sleep in on Sundays and then go to our favorite surfspot and there will be no more than 10 people in the line up? Wake up! That will never happen if the surf forecast looks epic! So we should think about going surfing in the morning! And with morning we mean early morning, 6ish and not 9ish. For those who love to sleep in it can be hard in the beginning, but trust us, it’s worth it!
Buuut there are a few things, you should consider first!
1. Are you a breakfast person? How long you need in the morning to get up?
Well, in case you are, can you really make it to get up at 4 am to have your healthy breakfast before surfing? Because you want to be at the surfspot with the first light of the day, to make sure to be the first one in the water! If you don’t need to eat before surfing: Lucky you – just get up, grab your stuff and go surfing! But even if you don’t need breakfast in the morning, you might also need time to wake up and can’t just leave your house immediately after waking up. Consider this when setting your alarmclock – you don’t wanna waste time with waking up until 10 am and then having to share the wave with 1000 other surfers!
2. Pack your surfstuff – and plan the rest of the day – thinking!
It doesn’t matter if you can walk to your surfspot or you have to drive by car or take the bike, you’ll always need a few things for surfing. Starting with your surfboard, that’s the thing you should really not forget at home. You should also have a bit of wax with you and maybe check if your surfboard also has a leash – yesss one day we also will be able to surf barrels without leash, but that might take a little bit more time. So are you going to pack your car in the evening or in the morning? Probably it would be better to do it in the evening, half asleep you might forget half of your stuff! Make sure you got your wetsuit (or bikini or boardshorts), wax, surfboard(s) (yes better take 2 or 3 and let the wave that you’ll find decide which board to take), something to eat (better put that in the car in the morning) and clothes for changing. Cause it might be super cold in the morning (or better night, cause there will be no light when you leave the house) and after your surf session the sun is shining and it will be freaking hot! Be prepared for everything.
3. Working after surfing – are you a shower person?
It´s known that there are people who love showering and don’t really understand the gypsie lifestyle – isn’t it enough to shower twice a week if you surf every day? The salt in the hair and on your skin is just the perfect feeling! Well, not for all of us! So if you want to shower after your surf session and have to work as well, ask Google where to find the next public shower. Or you calculating your time well, you might even have time to go home before working. But honestly, who needs a shower after surfing if you can stay up to 15 minutes more in the water ;)? If the waves are epic we will all end up arriving last minute at work, maybe still wearing our wetsuit. If you are lucky your boss will be tolerant and understand that you couldn’t leave the water earlier and hey, at least you arrived in time!
4. Worst case scenario – No waves!
Of course we are able to read the forecast! But sometimes nature simply changes while we are sleeping! Alarm clock set, waking up somehow and then the big surprise when you arrive at the beach: There are no waves! Did they just disappear the second you arrived? But now you are already awake and at the surfspot without waves, what else is there to do? If you are lucky you will have a few more surfspots around that you can also check, if not: life sucks! But don’t cry, you can find other things to do! Surfing is everything but not everything. If you aren´t completely awake yet you can go and find a coffeeshop to have another coffee. There you will probably bump into a few other poor surfers who will share the misery. Another idea: do a little yoga session at the beach, cause yoga exercises will help you training your balance and muscles that you will need for the next surfsession!
So is surfing worth getting up that early?
A definite YEEESSSSS!!!!!!! There is always less wind in the morning and the line ups are emptier. There are not that many people who are crazy enough to leave their cozy bed and their house when it’s still dark and cold outside! But is it worth it getting up that early and sleep less? Yes, cause surfing in the morning is just refreshing and frees your mind! You won’t understand if you never tried!
And this feeling, when you are in the water before the sun rises and you can surf into the first light of the day on an amazing wave – priceless!
And these colors! Being in the middle of the ocean, alone, watching the sun rise and the colors of the sky change from dark grey to purple, pink, blue and light…. No words needed for that! Nothing against watching sunrise and sunset from the beach, but when you are in the water, you will always see both sides – the horizon when you are watching and waiting for waves and the sky above the beach while surfing a wave. You see, with surfing you’ll get the full ankle of the sunrise and nature 😛
Best thing to do: Get a van or a bed in your car and sleep at the surfspot!
If you are not a person who wants to think too much about what to pack in your car, at what time you have to set your alarm clock and and and, just go and live on the beach! Yeesss sounds crazy, but hey, even in the smallest cars you install a nice and cozy bed! And be able to wake up, have a look at the waves and if there are none, turn around and keep sleeping! Or have a coffee while watchign the ocean – either way, you will have a great start into your day. Fazit is: early birds rock!!