Galicia just has something special about it. We are not sure if it’s the waves, the people, the climate or maybe a little bit of everything mixed together. Thinking about it, the waves do play a very important roll in our Galicia addiction 😉
In our 6th year of surftrips in Galicia, we decided to run two intensive surfcamps, a two-weeks and a one-week camp. While the first camp was gifted with waves every day at our doorstep, the second camp experienced a rare flat spell.
No problem either, that only meant that we had to move to find some waves. The reward of driving around were incredible waves of all sizes. Look at the happy facer of our surfteams, they speak for themselves.
Can’t imagine what our wavehunting looked like? Wanna see smiley faces and Schabernack? Well, see it for yourself and check our Facebook photo albums for #GarfioGallego I and #GarfioGallego II.
To be honest, our serious wave addiction only got worse after this month in Galicia. That´s why we are super stoked to announced that in 2024, once again, we will be running two surfcamps in our favourite part of mainland Spain. Check out #Geilicia 2024 for more details. Warning: surfspaces will be booked out very fast, be quick to reserve yours.
Sea you in the amazing galician waves.
Angie & the NOMB Surfteam