Our last surfcoaching trip, #GuadeGirlsGang, didn’t have much to do with housewife duties and buying flowers. What we got was full on ladies power, in and outside the water. Six amazing mermaids crossed the Atlantic to take part in our confidence boost surftrip on the incredibly beautiful island of Guadeloupe.
For all of those you who have never heard of Guadeloupe before, it’s a French overseas region and an island group in the South Caribbean. And yep, it really does look like a postcard.

About the surftrip
Guiding the trip were surfcoach Angie and mental coach Doro. The idea behind the #GuadeGirlsGang was to actively build up confidence in the water. And hell yeah, did it work.
A mix of beautiful, glassy and consistent waves made it possible for the girls to work on the topic of this trip: to actively search for the waves. As a surfer transitions from whitewash to unbroken waves, it is really important to realize, how much we have to focus on the right positioning in the wave. A lot of times learning surfers think their paddle technique is off, or they are not strong enough. Truth is, if you position yourself at the right part of the wave, you only need about 4 paddles to gain some speed on your board. And then let the wave does it magic.
This process includes connecting with the wave, anticipating what the wave is gonna do while at the same time controlling emotions and chains of movement. Sounds complicated, right? Well, every surfer has to pass through this section, in order to become an independent and controlled surfer.
Needless to say, that our mermaids totally nailed it. The third day saw them catching waves by themselves and loads of them. Daily partyplanning before hitting the waves (analysing the conditions) helped to know where to sit, which waves to take and generally being in control.
Breaking limits
Then it was time for the girlsgang to test their limits. Local surfcoach Fredo took the group to a wave breaking offshore over shallow reef. The paddle out there wasn’t anything short of breathtaking. Seriously, surfing in Guadeloupe feels like surfing in an aquarium. Unbelievable. But back to the waves. We deliberately pushed the girls out of their comfortzones. The waves rolling in were clean and clearly marked, but also not small in size. Using techniques they had learned before (i.e. positive selftalk, the use of mantras, inner picture.) our mermaids faced the walls of water. And siiii, every single at least one took waves. Angie,Doro and Fredo were so incredibly proud!!
After this session, and the expansion of the individual comfort zones, the waves at our local spot didn’t bear much of a challenge anymore for the girls. Hence giving them all the time and opportunities to work on their surfing skills. While inconspicuously building up more and more confidence. Coach Angie was super happy with the results, surfcoach Fredo was left speechless with the improvements of the girlsgang. So proud of you, ladies! Check out our Facebook album and get lost in the picture perfect photos.

So much more to this surftrip in Guadeloupe
Apart from workshopping and surfing, there were a lot of other things going on: sunbathing, walking through the mangroves, chilling at the homebase, discovering our little town, exploring some crazy waterfalls, looking after Morny and her puppies, meeting Pierre and getting invited into his house, seeing turtles, eating from banana leaves sitting on the floor, pingponging, and simply laughing our hearst out. We admit, here might have been the odd ‘ I can buy myself flowers’ singoff, too. Thanks so much for your trust, good vibes and love: Doro, Gina, Kiki, Naomi, Niki and Susa. To us you are absolute rockstars.
Exciting news! #GuadeGirlsGang Vol.2
What we have learned in our time in Guadeloupe is to simply let life flow. And that’s exactly what we are gonna do and why we have decided to do it all over again. Clap your hands for #GuadeGirlsGang Vol.2, already in the making. With a renewed format, including even more time in the water, we are on the quest to get more girls confident in the water.
Do you want to be one of our next 6 mermaids in Guadeloupe? Get in touch to ask questions or sign up for our newsletter to be the first one finding out about the trip dates & details. We surely can’t wait for next year and more fun and incredible waves in Guadecrazyloupe. Sea you there!
Angie & Doro