Everyone is talking about sustainability these days. It really is a topic that should concern all of us. However we all realize that it can be hard work to live more environmentaly friendy in general, so what can we as surfers do to minize our ecological footprint?
Our surfboards and wetsuits are not really environmental friendly, plus we also want to travel a lot to surf the best waves on this planet. But yes, especially we as surfers can and should do a few things to live and surf more sustainable!
We surfers want to protect our environment even more because we are one with nature while practicing our favorite sport. Therefore we are even closer to the ocean and understand the importance of environmental and cultural consciousness. We think more about protecting our nature while we do what we love! We can`t change the entire world, but each of us can do a few little things to make this earth and surfing a little bit more sustainable!
Living the slogan “buy local” for example will help to act more sustainable. Yeesssss living environmental conscious is not only about protecting nature, if you buy local things you can support the local community and meanwhile reduce the ecological footprint =))
Especially in the surfing community you will find people who try to make the world a better place – the hippie lifestyle will always be with us 😛 Pretty sure there will always be people who join your next beach clean. Check out the 2015 NOMB Surfcrew helping a local group to clean up the beautiful beach of Buchupureo, Chile. Legends!
Well guys, enough about sustainablity, let´s talk about christmas.
One more week to go and you still don’t have ideas about presents for your best surfer mates? Don’t worry, we have a few ideas for you. These little things are essentials for surfing and surfers (cause nobody wants to get presents they don’t like and need) and also ecological! If you can’t buy them before Christimas: don’t worry, that are things you and your surfing friends will always need 😉Here is our top 3 of sustainable Xm as presents:
1. Organic surf wax from Others
We all love the sticky thing called wax. We don’t wanna fall out of a wave because of having not enough wax on our surfboard. However, it is a fact, that our lovely sticky thing normally contains paraffins and mineral oils – really not the best thing for our environment. We are sure you love the ocean but also want to put wax on your surfboard. So isn’t it possible to manufacture a wax that is less contaminating and still sticky enough that we won’t slip? Yes it is! By now, there are a lot of suppliers who offer organic wax for surfing, but we especially love the one from Others! Surf headcoach Angie checked it out on the last Ireland surf trip and is totally excited about it.
´It´s like surfing in a pine forest. The smell is incredible and hell, that stuff sticks. It comes in a cool tin and you really only need to put a little bit on your board, making it even more environmental friendly. I am totally in love with it.´
Unlike other kind of wax, this one doesn’t contains paraffins or mineral oils – it is completely organic, free of any chemicals, biodegradable and handmade. The pine resin used is taken from Irish forests, and when they a add a dash (or more 😉 ) of beeswax: Eeett vooilaaa, there you have the perfect organic wax for surfing that also provides you enough grip on your surfboard. And it smells sooo good… =)
You can find this wax for cold and super cold water (brrrrrr) but guys, please email them and say that we also need a warm water formula for the warm canarian waters;)
2. Ánima – T-shirts made of organic cotton
Why T-Shirts? Beacause we can’t be naked all day long, super simple 😛 We love H&M and Zara for their cheap shirts and also the common boardsport brands, but are there maybe some more sustainable brands? Yeessss and we would love to introduce you ànima women’s surf style today!
They only use organic cotton for their shirts and products. Esperanza and Niki, who founded the company, chose to just provide and manufacture organic products. Both of them are surfers and with their love to the ocean and the environment they also want to spread more environmental friendly products and fair trade into this world. The cotton they use for the shirts is also certificated by GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard). And the T-shirts are reeeaallllyyy cozy =) They also use botanicla fibers from an austrian company, producing really soft fabrics. The ladies are based on Gran Canaria, our neighbour island but they ship worldwide. You should definitely have a look at their great clothes!
3. Wiemeer – ponchos and headbands
The ponchos from Wiemeer are too a super nice christmas gift. Who doesn’t want to feel cozy and comfortable after a surf session?! Nothing better than to snuggel up in a stylish and soft surfponcho.
The cotton to produce the Wiemeer headbands is consisting of organic rainbow cotton which is 100% ecologic. The production is environmentally friendly and sustainable. This cotton is also GOTS certificated. Founders of wiemeer are Annika and Nadine. Those to surf and nature loving ladies had the idea of Wiemeer for a while in their heads and now finally they got their own label. They manufacture on request in Fuerteventura (Nadine) and in Austria (Annika). Well you should definitely have a look at their website and instagram page (just click on the pic) and get your self some cozy and environmental conscious surf accesoires =)
Of course there are many many other things you can choose as Christmas gifts for your surfing friends. The top 3 ones however are our all time favourites. Why? Because they are made by great humans with the incredible intention to make this planet a better place!!
Have a great Xmas time and don´t forget, giving a smile to a random person can be the best Xmas gift ever!