Surfer’s behaviour- a guide to understand your surfing friends

Lanzarote Legacy Team

Written by NOMB Surf


Lanzarote Legacy Team

Well chicas & chicos, all of you out there are surfers? Probably not. Surfing means people who surf, and these people are sometimes hard to understand. Well, we surfers understand the other surfer’s behaviour but maybe we should explain ourselves a little bit. Here are a few things that you will only understand if you are a surfer. Can’t identify yourself with any of that? Well, it might help you to understand your surfing friends a bit better 😉


Wetsuit tan is totally in

Tanned feet, tanned hands, tanned face – and the rest of the body is absolutely white. Well we surfers really don’t care (mostly) cause that wetsuit tan means we have spent a lot of time in our wetsuits and therefor in the water! And to all the girls out there: we love the bikini stripes from surfing without wetsuit – it eill make us remember the good times of surfing without wetsuit when we are landlocked again =)



Relaxing at the beach without waves makes us depressiv

While a large number of our friends are happy to simply relax at the beach and get tanned, we really can’t understand this scenario! Cause this ocean without any movement or waves is giving us a really weird feeling. Of course, we can enjoy the colors and the sun, but hey, where are the waves? If we might go in the water (just to refresh and without surfboard cause there is noooo surf) it’s possible that we start hallucinating and imagine a wave on the horizon! Well somehow we have to escape this horrible no wave situation 😉



Salty hair don’t care

Going to the hairdresser? Well what for? They will just give us a treatment for our hair to make it look nice and straight again. But noooo, we don’t want that! Sunkissed hair bleeched by the sun – what more can we ask for? (Psss.. from time to time we also do treatments and wash our hair, but saltwater is just the best!)


Forgetting about time and space

Surfing with watch? We hate it but if we have important appointments (really really really important appointments) or we are in for a quick morning surf session before work, we need this tiny little thing around our wrist. However, if we have a day off it might happen that we just miss lunch / dinner /coffee with our friends / partners cause these beautiful waves simply didn’t let us leave. Good thing about that: Our surfing friends will probably sit next to us in the line up and also missed our lunch date 😉


Interrupting conversations and leaving is not rude

At least not if there is a wave approaching and we are sitting in the line up. While waiting and watching the waves it is always nice to have good conversations but sometimes we have to interrupt them! If there’s a good wave coming we will just stop talking in the middle of the sentence and go for the wave. And honestly, it would be really impolite if this beautiful wave would have been unsurfed! Other surfers will understand that =)


Coloured faces are for surfing and not for carneval

Because we really don’t like sunburned skin (ans skincancer is an ugly issue), Zink is your best friend! And sometimes we just forget to remove these colours from our face after surfing and run around with a pink face all day. Sure we understand why people are looking at us weird the whole day! But if you are on a supermarket run in between surf sessions, there is no sense in removing the zink and put it on again a few minutes later for the next surf!



Planning your day around tides and waves – no long term planning possible!

Dentist appointment, meeting at work or any other appointment – first thing to do is looking at the forecast. What if your favourite surf spot just works on high tide, hightide is at 11.00h tomorrow and a good swell is coming in – we don’t want to have appointments at the same time! Remember: Check the forecast before making appointments! Planning anything more than one week in advance is also not possible – what if the swell changes? You don’t wanna miss a good surf session for letting them remove your wisdom tooth 😉 It’s difficult enough to plan tomorrow, you don’t wanna miss an epic surf for brunch! So we surfer will always be spontaneous if it comes to socializing 😉

Choosing jobs by location

You just good this amazing job offer with a really good salary but it is in the middle of the city and there is no ocean close by… can you really take it? More likely that we will choose the job with half of the salary but living close to the next surf spot – that is especially something only surfer will understand =)


To all you non-surfers out there, it might be hard sometimes to be friends / partner with a surfer but hey, amazing places, sunsets, stories and buena onda come with every surfer of this planet. So don’t be too hard on us.


Sea you in the water soon!


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