Driftwood Art – a bit of ocean for your house

Homemade driftwood art

Written by NOMB Surf


Homemade driftwood art

There are many landlocked surfers out there, being trapped in a ´normal life´, daydreaming themselves to the closest ocean. Not always easy done with the winter approaching mainland Europe. So how to get some vitamin sea into your own walls?? The answer is really easy: DRIFTWOOD ART!


We all have picked up a random piece of wood on a beach, smuggled it through customs and took it home. Just to later forget about it. But now that you are longing for some waves and sunshine, why not take it out and turn it into your own piece of art for your house??


Let us present you three different pieces of driftwood art. Easy, cheap and quickly done at home. Driftwood art number one is the above painted flat piece of driftwood, painted by NOMB Surfs campchef Lindis Schenker. Linda used basic acrylic paint to turn this piece of plain wood into a beautiful painting. Fair enough, you will need a bit of talent to make it look that great but a plain palmtree and a wave will already do the trick, and look great on your kitchen wall.


Driftwood art number two is made of a simple piece of wood found on the northshore of Fuerteventura, and a dead sea urchin. Found at the same place, one day later. Sea urchins are not uncommon to find on the island but it is really rare that they are washed on shore containing all their spikes. Giving it a deep purple colour. NOMB headcoach Angie couldn´t resist but turn it into something to put up on her wall. Inspired by Pinterest Angie bought a chalk color spray to create a vintage look. After she had placed the sea urchin on the wood it struck her like a lightning: a true ocean lover she had found there. The result is pretty cool we reckon..


Driftwood vintage style with sea urchin


Not really into painting and all that creative stuff?? Then check out driftwood art number three: a photo hanger. All you need is:

  • your favourite holiday photo (of you surfing or a beach for example)
  • a longish piece of driftwood
  • 2 nails
  • 1m of jute string
  • some little wooden clips


Bang the nails into the end of the wood (on the flat site) and connect them with a piece of the string. Make sure the string sits really tight. Now take the remaining string and connect both ends and tie a not in the middle, leaving a little loop on the top. Last but not least take your ocean photo and clip it onto the tight string between the nails. Done. Doesn´t it look amazing??


Photo hanger driftwood


There are loads of places that sell cool driftwood stuff as well. Most of them however are produced by machines, missing out at bit on the whole ocean connection. Check out websites like www.etsy.com for example, they offer great handmade items. That´s in case you aren´t inspired by our three homemade pieces of driftwood art and opt for a buying alternative. Either way, we hope that a beautiful piece of driftwood will brighten up your house and give you a bit of the surfer feeling you might be missing. We are sending you some sunshine on top of that!


Sea you in the water soon!



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